what makes your own wild human life worth living?
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what makes your one wild human life worth living
Hi chef,

I write these emails each week to give you a practical way to integrate the energies as  we move through these extraordinary times. I believe we are not ascending right now, but descending. We are learning all we can be, and bringing it into the day-to-day expression of our humanity.

We once knew how to live well as humans. For over 2 million years, humans learnt to love and care, to make good choices together, to live well on the earth. The last few thousand years of brutality have changed us, not in our essential nature, but in how we live. Our psyches shattered, we disconnected from the sacred and cosmic, learnt to distrust each other and believe in our own disempowerment.  We grew accustomed to fearing life.

Its about new skills, not trying to be perfect

The way back needs just a few skills, and it's those skills I want to share with you in these newsletters. They come from the Human Design System, a consciousness tool given to guide us through these times and into the next.

We are remembering how to imagine again. Here are two new ways to imagine us coming together differently.

The Matrix of Brilliance
Building a Global Immune System

There is profound sensitivity this week, and a need to take time out. Pluto is now in the Gate of Limitation in the Root Centre, giving birth to a new kind of human experience.

New Moon - 1st February 2022

Taraka members can access the New Moon chart here

The New Moon has the Sun, Moon and asteroid Astraea in the gate of emotional sensitivity. Astraea is the returning Star Goddess. This comes on top of last week's activation to the Channel of Curiosity (gates 11 and 56) which is a portal for galactic consciousness, and carries extreme sensitivity to the density of life on earth.

Astraea teaches us to take responsibility for the subtle energy of source and wait patiently as it comes to fruition through our attending to it. Without the sensitivity we would miss it, and stay caught in our busy-ness.

This ongoing relationship with source is more important than any of your own desires for a particular outcome right now.

The Moon is in the Gate of Retreat - how can you manage your interactions with the world so they support your integrity?

Saturn is in the same channel, in gate 13, which means you can see previously hidden ways in which you have made life difficult for yourself (Saturn shows us where we have been blocked).

The effect of Saturn's hook-up with the Moon goes beyond this week, asking you to make plans that will support you to have more flexibility in your life from now on. You are going to need the freedom to take time to yourself between now and 2025.

Venus turns direct this week, finally! But is still in the channel that's all about having a good instinct for knowing who is friend and who is foe. And when I say foe, I mean people who aren't a good fit for us.

We've not been so great at that lately. Our innate human talent for connection has been overridden by learned mistrust. Add to that the way in which we get stuck with the wrong people as we try to heal old wounds. This week we're likely to meet people who, while they may not become life-long friends, will show us how to shine more brightly. Both Venus and Vesta (brilliance) are in Gate 38 line 2.

Mercury is making a channel with Uranus, so there's brilliance there too! Sudden new insights, a need to solve the mystery of your life in your own unique way. Mercury and Uranus accentuate the central message of the New Moon -  go your own way, trust your own guidance, don't be too much moved by the influence of others. You may have to give up things you have relied on in the past, but in return you build presence, sincerity and trust.

I wrote about the Nodes last week .

A new collective structure giving us context and motivation for our own individual success. We can succeed, but if we aren't sharing it with allies, seeing results that spread beyond our own personal life, what joy is there in it?

At the time of the New Moon, the North Node (destiny, the edge of our comfort zone) is exactly on the planet Sedna in Gate 8 line 5. Sedna demands sustainability, but she knows it is a collective responsibility.
Sedna brings our deepest soul mission and how we might have struggled to grasp what it is. Because it exists at a higher level of consciousness.

But this too requires that we soothe Sedna, and to do so we have to withdraw from society and descend to our deepest places in a shamanic journey to find our own truth.

People who have a significant Sedna activation in their design will have experienced at least one great disconnect in their lives, where they were forced to let go of one life and embrace another more ‘divine’ aspect of self.
Ceres joins Sedna this week, in Gate 8 line 5. We should never underestimate the power of Ceres! She brings grief and rage as what we cherish is taken from us. But she also brings something exquisitely important to us all right now - the knowing of what makes our life worth living - really worth living. Not for anyone else, but for each of us individually.

What we are longing for doesn’t exist in the past, and it’s not something we can fix. It’s about coming to a deeper understanding of our own soul needs, and noticing those who connect with us there.

This is where your attention needs to be this week, and where you need to build up new skill - in noticing the subtle sense of a life worth living, in each moment of sensitivity.

Mars in the Gate of Joy wants a word. He says to let you know, nothing is worth creating unless we create with those we love, and in joy. We don't have this one yet, but we're moving towards it by practicing being open, looking for what you want to come to you easily and on your own terms. There's sadness at the lack of connection - the wrong people or no people at all. But, the joy you seek doesn't come from outside yourself. It arises from your ever increasing ability to turn up authentically. There's a new kind of joy in that, regardless of what's happening in the external world.
Hi there, I'm Kim Gould, founder of

I've been guiding people on the emergent edge of consciousness since 2004. I'm so glad you're here!

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