Grieving the loss of the seed
If we want something new in our lives we have to let something else die. That’s just how things go. Our culture isn’t big on this idea and there is a lot of fear around it. If we go back to Indigenous knowledge, and to early feminine ways of being, we can see that this kind of letting go was ritualised, celebrated. In our westernised culture it is viewed with fear and avoided at all costs.
Ceres and Persephone have been transiting in gate 45, and previously were together in gate 35. In their mythology Ceres is rageful and grief stricken. In response to the loss of her daughter Persephone, she sends the world into famine. But this is not just a soap opera story about mothers and daughters. Persephone was the Kore, the seed maiden, the part of us that voluntarily goes into the dark places in order to shed our skin and discover in what form we will be reborn. In the bigger picture, Ceres isn’t raging about losing her daughter, but about the loss of the part of the life cycle that creates true change.
This week’s New Moon, in gates 24 and 44, bring a strong disruptive feminine
influence that seems destructive, but is simply the Persephone archetype returning. What’s rigid and old will not withstand her dark power. Remember Saturn (old rigid structure) is still sitting in the gate of revolution (49, shedding your old skin, radical change).
Gate 24 is about spontaneous mutation, re-imagining of your life. It’s important that you don’t try to control this mutation energy, because if you do the old cultural conditioning of avoiding real deep change may have you missing the opportunity on offer.
Gate 44 is the feminine creative force triggering change. This is not your everyday kind of change, but something more mysterious, more seductive, calling you to a new life.
And while you may experience sudden shifts in understanding, this is not about escaping the life you have now, but returning to your core and finding a new trajectory. Mercury will spend most of this week in gate 8, with Sedna. Her story is all about trying to find the right people, and ending up finding her divine self.